Nemetastatický triple negatívny karcinóm prsníka – biologické vlastnosti a aktuálny manažment // SOLEN

Onkológia 6/2024

Non-metastatic triple-negative breast cancer – biological properties and current management

Triple-negative breast cancer is probably the most studied subgroup of breast cancer. The inherent heterogeneity of TNBC is well known at the clinical, histopathological and molecular levels. Genomic instability and higher mutation rates, which can lead to the formation of neoantigens and increased immunogenicity, are other characteristics of these tumors. Breast conserving surgery (BCS) is a suitable modality for surgical treatment for patients with breast cancer, including TNBC. The options for (neo)adjuvant treatment are constantly evolving and, in conjunction with prognostic factors based on the tumor microenvironment, provide an effective and innovative individualized approach. The old premise of TNBC as the subtype with the worst prognosis may be completely gone in the near future.

Keywords: breast cancer, TNBC, breast conserving surgery, chemotherapy