Molekulárne testovanie karcinómu pľúc v SR – pohľad z klinickej praxe // SOLEN

Onkológia 6/2015

Lung cancer molecular testing in Slovak Republic – view clinical practise

Purpose: To find out the opinion of clinical experts in lung cancer, on availability of EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) mutation and ALK (anaplastic lymphoma kinase) rearrangement testing in patients with lung cancer in Slovakia, possible barriers to this testing, and making the way from tumour sample to test result faster. Methods: Twelve clinical experts responded to the questionnaire containing ten questions referring to the selected aspects of EGFR mutation, and ALK rearrangement testing. Descriptive statistic was used for the data summary. Results: Availability of EGFR-mutation testing is slightly better than availability of ALK testing in Slovakia, and also is it better in lung cancer diagnostic and therapy centres, according to the questionnaire responses. The most common barrier in testing is the insufficient tumour sample. Multidisciplinary cooperation is a very important factor for achieving shorter time period between obtaining the tumour sample and the results of molecular testing, in the opinion of respondents. Some other suggestions given by respondents might be also helpful, e.g. online results availability or reliable reflex testing in adenocarcinoma. Conclusions: Lung cancer molecular testing is available and used in clinical practice in Slovakia. The best possible multidisciplinary cooperation and management of the whole process, tumour sampling - pathologist - molecular testing - oncologist, is the way to improve this process and thus to improve the chances of patients with advanced non-small lung cancer for optimal treatment.

Keywords: non-small cell lung cancer, molecular testing, EGFR, ALK.