Manažment extravazácií cytostatík // SOLEN

Onkológia 6/2024

Management of cytostatics extravasation

Although extravasation is rare, it is a serious complication during the administration of cytotoxic agents, which can seriously harm the patient if treated incorrectly. Every worker administering cytostatics should be familiar with proper proceedings in such an incident. Specific antidotes used in the extravasation of some cytostatics should be provided at the workplace. In the following article, we summarize procedures for the prevention and management of extravasations that have been verified in controlled studies and are recommended by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). These procedures should serve to reduce the risk of complications caused by extravasation and to increase the quality of patient care.

Keywords: extravasation, cytostatic, iritant, vesicant, antidote