Liečba mnohopočetného myelómu // SOLEN

Onkológia 5/2016

Treatment of multiple myeloma

Novel treatment possibilities developed in the last decade significantly improved the survival of the patients with multiple myeloma (MM) in general - median of the survival has approximately redoubled from 4 to 8 years. Significant improvement is caused by the implementation of the new effective drugs (proteasome inhibitor - bortezomib and immunomodulatory drugs – lenalidomide, thalidomide) also in the first line of the treatment of the MM in patients eligible or not eligible for the autologous peripheral stem cell transplantation. These drugs markedly increased the number of the complete remisions, progression-free survival and prolonged the survival time. The mode of the reaction is one of the most important prognostic parameters in MM and the achievement of the maximal reaction represents the treatment goal in the most of the patients. In the case of relapse/refractory disease the treatment choice depends on the outcome of the previous treatment, its associated toxicity, prognostic factors and defined aim, that we would like to achieve. Nowadays, it is possible to use various combinations of the drugs. In these siutations we usually use the drugs which were not used in the first line of the treatment.

Keywords: multiple myeloma, induction treatment, relapsed/resistant myeloma