Komplikácie liečby mnohopočetného myelómu a možnosti ich ovplyvnenia // SOLEN

Onkológia 5/2013

Complications of multiple myeloma therapy and possibilities of their influencing

Multiple myeloma is an incurable malignancy caused by neoplastic proliferation of a clone of malignant plasma cells, although patient survival has increased with the availability of novel agents. Both multiple myeloma and its therapies often affect the renal, immune, skeletal, hematologic, and nervous systems. The newer treatment options have changed the natural history for patients with myeloma; treatment-related toxicities are always of concern. Therefore, adjunctive treatment is considered an essential part of myeloma therapy. In this paper, we review the effects of the novel therapies on organ systems and suggest management strategies.

Keywords: novel drugs, multiple myeloma and treatment-related toxicities.