Epidemiologie invazivní kandidózy a kandidémie: vývoj za poslední tři desetiletí // SOLEN

Onkológia 2/2009

Epidemiology of invasive candidiasis and candidemia in the last three decades

Invasive fungal infections became during several last decades serious complication not only in neutropenic patients with hematological malignancies, but as well as in patients with other forms of immune deficiency, hospitalized in ICUs. Growing incidence of Candida infections was dated from early eighties of 20th century till late nineties, but after fluconazole introduction a slow decrease of incidence of candidiasis was noted, mainly in hemato-oncological patients. In ICU patients, candidemia and invasive candidiasis remains still a serious problem with high incidence, and – among other causes of blood stream infections – reaching the highest mortality, as much as 40 – 50 %.

Keywords: invasive candidiasis, candidemia, incidence, mortality, risk factors