Tapentadol hydrochlorid v léčbě akutní a chronické bolesti // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 2/2024

Tapentadol hydrochloride in treating acute and chronic pain

Tapentadol hydrochloride is a novel, potent opioid analgesic that is classified as an atypical opioid. The principle of action consists not only in binding to opioid receptors, but also in affecting noradrenaline reuptake. This lends the drug unique properties. It has a very good effect in neuropathic pain, with an outstandingly low rate of adverse effects. Due to its low binding to plasma proteins and bypassing the CYP450 system, tapentadol hydrochloride is only minimally involved in drug interactions. Tapentadol hydrochloride is available both in retarded release formulation and in formulations with a rapid onset of action.

Keywords: tapentadol hydrochloride, acute pain, chronic pain, safety, adverse effects, neuropathic pain