Spontánní intracerebrální hemoragie – jaký má být management v roce 2024? // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 6/2024

Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage – what should the management be in 2024?

Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages (SICH) are associated with a number of risk factors, which can be divided into controllable and uncontrollable factors. Their most important risk factor is arterial hypertension. The care for patients with SICH must be complex and multidisciplinary. In the acute phase, it becomes imperative to try to correct arterial hypertension and reverse the effect of anticoagulant therapy as quickly as possible. In the future, a better clinical outcome can recently be expected in selected patients with supratentorial (mainly lobar) SICH operated on within 24 h using minimally invasive parafascicular surgery.

Keywords: spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage, risk factors, arterial hypertension, anticoagulation therapy, minimally invasive parafascicular surgery