Specifika status epilepticus u dětí // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 3/2024

Specifics of status epilepticus in children

In comparison to adults, status epilepticus (SE) in childhood is characterized by a higher incidence, different causes, and a lower mortality. Most cases of SE in children occur without a prior history of epileptic seizures. The etiology of SE in children is distinct, with febrile SE being the most common in this age group. Specific to childhood are SE cases in certain epileptic syndromes, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. The treatment of SE in children employs similar algorithms as in adults, but with certain specifics, such as the use of vitamin B6 and a preference for midazolam or thiopental over propofol in younger patients. The mortality associated with SE in children is lower (0-16%) and directly depends on the type and the etiology of SE.

Keywords: status epilepticus, febrile status epilepticus, refractory status epilepticus, childhood