Paliativní péče v dětské neurologii // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 1/2010

Palliative care in paediatric neurology

The goal of palliative care is to provide relief or alleviate symptoms and support the best possible quality of life regardless of the disease status. In paediatric care, it includes the following components: biological, psychosocial, spiritual, treatment plan and practical solutions. The most important part is a mutual communication about the disease as well as options. In addition to the psychosocial aspect, an individual approach is of major importance. The term palliative care has different meanings for the child, parents or carers. Sometimes it means management of pain and symptoms; at other times it is a spiritual aspect, for instance. What is shared, however, is the need to keep some hope even in seemingly hopeless situations. Also related to palliative care are ethical and economic issues.

Keywords: palliative care, nervous symptoms, treatment.