Komunikační strategie pro neurology při rozhovoru s pacienty s roztroušenou sklerózou při zhoršení diagnózy // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 6/2024

Communication strategies for neurologists when interviewing patients with multiple sclerosis when the diagnosis deteriorates

The article focuses on communication strategies for neurologists when talking to multiple sclerosis (MS) patients as their diagnosis deteriorates. Breaking of bad news is difficult and often insufficiently covered in medical education, which can lead to emotional detachment of physicians from patients and burnout. Targeted communication skills training improves the physician-patient relationship. Recommended communication strategies to enhance the compliance include: preparation of the environment, structured interview process, ascertaining the patient's awareness, building a therapeutic relationship, honest and empathetic communication of the diagnosis, understandable education about the treatment procedure and the use of multidisciplinarity. It is also essential to take care of the physicians education and the team and physicians mental wellbeing.

Keywords: breaking of bad news, deterioration of the diagnosis, communication strategies, physician-patient relationship, empathy, communication skills, multidisciplinarity, physician wellbeing, sclerosis multiplex, compliance