Delirium u závislostí na návykových látkách // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 5/2011

Delirium in addictions to addictive substances

Delirium is an acute, life-threatening condition requiring a timely diagnosis, a timely differential diagnosis to distinguish it from similar life-threatening conditions and a timely treatment. Delirium tremens is among the leading causes of death among those with a psychiatric diagnosis; however, the risk of delirium complications is still underestimated. The treatment of milder, uncomplicated deliria is feasible in conventional detoxification centres or at psychiatric wards through collaboration between a psychiatrist and an internist. The treatment of severe deliria and deliria in patients with serious somatic complications comes within the competence of an intensive care unit where continuous monitoring and artificial ventilation are possible and auxiliary diagnostic methods are available.

Keywords: delirium, delirium tremens, intoxication, addiction, substance dependence, withdrawal.