Antikoagulačná liečba u pacientov s fibriláciou predsiení po prekonaní ischemickej cievnej mozgovej príhody // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 6/2024

Anticoagulation therapy in patients with AF atrial fibrilation after ischemic stroke

A consistent approach to anticoagulant therapy is a crucial factor influencing the success of primary and secondary prevention of ischaemic stroke. In clinical practice, neurologists deal with anticoagulant treatment mainly in patients who have experienced a stroke, whether it occurred during anticoagulant therapy or in those without such treatment but an etiological factor requiring anticoagulation was identified during the diagnostic process. Deciding on the timing of anticoagulant therapy after stroke is particularly challenging. Equally important is the choice of a drug, its dosage, and consideration of individual risk factors.

Keywords: ischaemic stroke, warfarin, apixaban, rivaroxaban, edoxaban, dabigatran