Súčasné možnosti akútnej reverzie antitrombotík v Slovenskej republike // SOLEN

Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína 1/2024

Current options of acute reversal of antitrombotic drugs in Slovakia

Antithrombotic therapy is used by large population of patients and this number is still increasing. Antithrombotic therapy is used for primary and secondary prevention of thromboembolic diseases of various field of medicine. Patients benefit from antithrombotic therapy by significant decreasing of morbidity and mortality from thrombotic diseases, but it is for sure there is also a risk of bleeding. Therefore it is neccessary to be awared of all available procedures of acute reversal of effect of antithrombotic drugs in case of life treatening bleeding or urgent invasive procedure.

Keywords: bleeding, urgent surgery, antidote, antithrombotic therapy, intensive care