Pseudochylotorax ako následok neskorej erózie cievnej steny centrálnym venóznym katétrom – kazuistika // SOLEN

Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína 2/2015

Pseudochylothorax caused by late vascular wall erosion by central venous catheter – case report

Late extravasation of the central venous catheter (CVC) is rare, but potentially lethal complication of the CVC. In this report we describe a case of the patient with a complicated course after heart transplantation, who developed CVC extravasation 3 weeks after the insertion of the CVC. The complication was manifested by massive bilateral pleural effusion and was confirmed by CT scan. In the discussion we concentrate on incidence, diagnosis and treatment of this rare complication.

Keywords: central venous catheter, complications, vascular erosion.