Postupy pri starostlivosti o kriticky chorých pacientov s COVID-19 // SOLEN

Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína 1/2020

Management of critically ill patients with COVID-19

This is a review article on the management and treatment of critically ill patients who have not only been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 but are particularly required to treat COVID-19. These procedures are mainly based on the experience of workplaces from around the world treating patients with COVID-19 (coronavirus-19 disease). The data in most of the article is not based on scientific evidence, but on empiricism and analogy from the treatment of other viral pneumonia. New information is emerging very quickly that updates current knowledge, so this summary should be seen in terms of the date it was submitted to the editorial office (16.04.2020).

Keywords: Intensive Care, COVID-19