Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína 2/2024
Advanced bloodless clinical procedures proven in practice
Although blood transfusions are among the most common medical procedures performed in hospitalized patients, a understanding of risks associated with allogeneic blood transfusions along with a growing population of patients seeking surgical care without the use of blood transfusion has led to development of complex clinical strategies, with an aim to minimize blood loss, conserve autologous blood, enhance hematopoiesis, and augment tolerance of anemia. Providing bloodless medical care can be challenging; however, advances in surgical technique, current technology, knowledge and perioperative management significantly contributed to the fact that successful treatment without transfusion is a realistic option but it does require a concerted patient-centered effort from the multidisciplinary team. In this review, we discuss effective bloodless strategies in the setting of perioperative management, acute blood loss, trauma, and postpartum hemorrhage. Additionally, the valuable experience gained from bloodless care has paved the way to develop the concept of Patient Blood Management as a standard care to benefit all patients, and not only those for whom blood is not an option.
Keywords: bloodless clinical strategies, anemia, hemorrhage, Patient Blood Management