Možnosti použitia kreatínfosfátu pri UPV // SOLEN

Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína 1/2023

Possibilities of using creatine phosphate in artificial lung ventilation

The ATP molecule represents a key role in the energetic metabolism of each cell and the entire organism. The depletion of such important molecule inevitably leads to deepening of the ongoing pathophysiological issues and causes new pathological mechanisms, especially in case of critically ill patient which is exposed to unique energy challenge. According to current clinical opinion it is necessary to provide adequate substitution as well as prevention of depletion of energetic substrates as this approach is required to maintain basic therapeutic strategy for each critically ill patient; in this case by means of ATP supplementation by synthetic creatine phosphate. The synthetic creatine phosphate is considered as necessary unit of complex therapy for critically ill patient. It’s most important characteristics, to provide chemical energy necessary for ATP re-synthesis, cardioprotective effect, neuroprotective effect, and the ability to provide faster muscle regeneration and to reduce the overall artificial ventilation time, make this molecule legitimate for ICU applications. The actual use of this molecule should not be limited to anesthesiologists and intensivists only due to the fact, that the first contact of patients with ICU and intensive care is often in late state of ongoing pathological process and therefore sooner and targeted therapy with synthetic creatine phosphate could lead to better energy state and better outcome. Therefore, it is necessary to provide this molecule for other specialists, in order to maintain adequate care of energy metabolism within the entire hospitalization process.

Keywords: phosphocreatine, ATP, energy metabolism, artificial ventilation