Monitorovanie hemodynamiky v perioperačnom období pomocou NIKO (neinvazívna kompresívna oscilometria) // SOLEN

Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína 2/2014

Hemodynamic monitoring in the perioperative period using NIKO (noninvasive compressive oscillometery)

Objective.To evaluate the accuracy of the new method of measuring hemodynamics – noninvasive compressive oscilometry (NIKO) by the comparison with the standard methods such as TD-Swan-Ganz catheter and arterial waveform analysis(Vigileo). Material and methods.Hemodynamics was measured in 146 patients undergoing cardiac or vascular surgery procedures concurrently with either Swan-Ganz catheter or Vigileo and NIKO during the first 12–24 postoperative hours. Results. Measurement of the cardiac output with NIKO is statistically accurate in the range of 2 to 8.5 l/min. Similarly, measurement of the cardiac output in the range of mean arterial pressure of approx. 40 to 110 mmHg correlated well with standard methods. Measured values become inaccurate outside these intervals. Conclusion.Measurement of the hemodynamics with NIKO method is accurate and clinically applicable in 85% of the cases. It is inapplicable in those 15% cases left characterised by extreme hemodynamics.

Keywords: non invasive hemodynamic monitoring, cardiac output.