Klinická aplikácia APMV (automatická proporcionálna minútová ventilácia) // SOLEN

Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína 2/2015

Clinical application of automatic proportional minute ventilation (APMV)

Objective: To compare the effectivity of APMV with standard pressure ventilation modes during the changes of lung mechanics in the setting of weaning after CABG. Material and methods:80 randomly selected patients undergoing CABG were divided into two groups. One group of patients was ventilated using APMV, while the other by standard pressure ventilation mode. Results: APMV was able to keep the preset minute ventilation more accurately, EtCO2 changes were lower and there were less ventilation interventions needed by a doctor as when the standard pressure ventilation mode was used (p < 0,01). Conclusion:We showed that APMV was able to manage the changes in ventilation parameters fully automatically and more accurately, which lead to adequate gas exchange while minimizing the risk of barotrauma and doctor interventions to ventilation settings.

Keywords: controlled ventilation, automatic proportional minute ventilation, pressure ventilation, weaning, cardiac surgery.