Dlhodobá intubácia a s ňou spojené komplikácie // SOLEN

Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína 2/2019

Complications associated withlong-term intubation

A long-term endotracheal intubation was defined almost 50 years ago as „any intubation lasting longer than 6-7 days“. This definition, with a cut-off defined more precisely as 7 days, has been valid ever since, although alternative definitions suggesting even shorter intubations to be perceived as „long-term“ can be found. Obviously, long-term intubation is one of the cornerstones of the management of a wide range of serious conditions. Still, it is associated with many possible complications, the risk of which must be taken into account, especially when considering conversion of endotracheal intubation into tracheostomy. The presented review brings a summary of possible complications along with the information about their risk factors and management.

Keywords: endotracheal intubation, complications, tracheal stenosis