Via practica 5/2012

Significance of vitamin D in diabetology

On the basis of the entire quantity of knowledge from the experimental and humane clinical studies vitamin D can be considered as a significant factor in reducing the risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 1 and also type 2. The mechanism of vitamin D is mediated due to direct impact of vitamin D on nuclear receptors and affecting of genes for proteins associated with normal B-cell function and proteins affecting the immune mechanisms and mechanisms of insulin resistance. Vitamin D so directly as well as indirectly affects the calcium metabolism, which extends into the regulation of insulin secretion. There are many recommendations for the doses of vitamin D supplementation. In risk groups, like patients with diabetes to achieve the target value of the serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D are recommended two- to threefold higher doses than in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Nevertheless, according the guidelines is only the dose of 800 – 1 000 IU vitamin D per day recommend. Promising option may be analogues of vitamin D.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, the VDR receptor, vitamin D and supplementation of vitamin D.