Volba antidiabetik s přihlédnutím k metabolickému syndromu // SOLEN

Via practica 11/2009

The choice of antidiabetic medications with regard to metabolic syndrome

For treatment of diabetes type 2 we dispose of effective antidiabetic medications (metformine, sulphonylurea derivates, glitazones, acarbosa) and soon further medications from group of incretine mimetics will occur. In antidiabetic medications besides the antihyperglycemic effect the effect on weight is announced but other effects are not presented. Nowadays we have evidence that antidiabetic medications have effect on other components of metabolic syndrome – hypertension, dyslipidemia, and even obesity. Even in choice of antidiabetic medications we have to pay attention to more complex effects than only decrease of blood sugar and consider especially effects on lipid spectrum and blood pressure.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus type 2, metabolic syndrome, peroral antidiabetic medications, dyslipidemia, hypertension, cardiovascular complications