Via practica 6/2021

Vinpocetine and its clinical implication in the current psychiatric practise

Vinpocetine is an alkaloid extracted from the periwinkle plant (Vinca minor). Since its introduction to the market, it has been widely used for decades to prevent and treat cerebrovascular and cognitive impairment. Vinpocetine is frequently used as a potent cerebral vasodilator and cerebral metabolic enhancer with a unique safety profile. There are no reports regarding its significant side effects, toxicity or contraindications at therapeutic doses. Recently described anti-inflammatory potential combined with its neuronal plasticity enhancing action could be of particular interest in many other neuropsychiatric conditions, including post-acute complications of COVID-19 and postCOVID syndrome.

Keywords: vinpocetine, cerebrovascular disorders, neuroplasticity, inflammation, cognition, COVID-19, postCOVID syndrome