Úvod do problematiky cievnych mozgových ochorení // SOLEN

Via practica 5/2006


Cerebrovascular diseases represent one of the most serious health problems all over the world. Important progress has been achieved by classification of cerebral ischemic stroke as medical emergency. Especially, recent successful efforts with immediate thrombolytic therapy have influenced the acute management of stroke. Subarachnoid haemorrhage, cerebral parenchymal haemorrhage and ischemic stroke are substantially different medical conditions with specific methods of treatment. The common features of acute cerebrovascular management include diagnostic measures, in particular, the need of immediate admission CT scan. The technological progress offers the possibility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain as a great promise for the future. Diagnostic and therapeutic efforts are multidisciplinary, and, especially, the problem of risk factor management needs multidisciplinary collaboration. It is crucial to realize preventive strategies to achieve the reduction of incidence and prevalence of stroke. Observational epidemiological and clinical data, as well as data of randomized studies indicate that it is possible to prevent the recurrence of strokes. It is important to concentrate our efforts on high risk populations such as older patients, socially handicaped and ethnically defined risk groups.

Keywords: cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic stroke, thrombolytic therapy, risk factors, prevention.