Via practica 6/2007


Given the fact that urticaria seriously influences quality of life its management has to be started early and in close cooperation with patient. Due to the complexity of this disease it is necessary to proceed by individual approach. Urticaria is caused by numerous internal diseases, parasite, bacterial, viral and mycotical infections as well as digestions problems, focal infections, autoimune diseases and different changes in human body. Every patient has to be investigated in complex in order to find out all circumstances which could cause urticaria. All gathered data serve further proceeding of investigations and therapy. Even a throught investigation does not elucidate origin of urticaria and we cannot forget the so called autoimmune urticarias. Urticaria therapy is strictly individual. It should by based on elimination of urticaria causes and symptomatic therapy (antihistamines and cortiocosteroids), which eliminates itching and swelling. Good cooperation of doctor and patient is very important for therapy of urticaria.

Keywords: urticaria, focal infections, H. pylori, antihistamines.