Via practica 1/2023

Complex lifestyle modification in management of patient with obesity: the role of the Center for Obesity Management

Obesity and sedentary lifestyle belong to the key modifiable factors which accelerate aging and thus contribute to the pathogenesis of many chronic noncommunicable diseases, shorter lifespan as well as reduced health span. Many clinical studies with long-term follow up provide the rich basis for the evidence-based medicine, which points at the pleiotropic positive effects of complex lifestyle intervention on health and quality of life. Such a complex approach based on the dietary counseling, regular physical activity, cognitive-behavioral therapy and / or other type of psychological couching requires the identification of factors necessary for its successful implementation in the clinical practice. The important prerequisites include the establishment of specialized centers, guidelines / standard diagnostic & therapeutic procedures, education of personnel, support by the health insurance companies and creation of the system which enables realization of nutritional and psychological counseling and regular training. A part of this approach are the Center for Obesity Management, which are accredited by the European Association to Study Obesity, EASO. These centers offer a complex multidisciplinary treatment, based on lifestyle intervention, alone or in combination with pharmacotherapy or bariatric surgery. Recently, the first Center for Obesity Management BMC SAS in Slovakia has been accredited by the European Association to Study Obesity (EASO). The Center closely collaborates with the Slovak Obesity Association and several clinical partners.

Keywords: Center for Obesity Management, obesity, lifestyle modification, exercise, nutrition, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, weight loss