Via practica 3/2011

Efficacy and tolerability of sodium picosulphate with magnesium citrate solution for bowel preparation before colonoscopy

Background: An effective bowel preparation is necessary to achieve a thorough colonoscopic examination. Ideally a bowel preparation should be convenient to take, well tolerated by the patient and produce few side effects. The results should be effective enough to avoid missing significant lesions and to minimize repeat examinations. Aims: 1. To determine tolerability of the oral formulation – Picoprep® – used in orthograde preparation of colon before endoscopic examination according to patients satisfaction with their bowel preparation and occurrence of side effects. 2. To determine the quality of bowel preparation and cleansing efficacy of this oral formulation from endoscopists point of view. Methods: 30 consecutive patients were prepared for colonoscopy by Picoprep®. Every patient assessed the tolerability and side effects of formulation by method of questionnaire. The quality of bowel preparation using the simple grading system was measured protocollary by endoscopists also with the patients’ age, gender and indication for colonoscopy. Results: In this set of patients dominated hospitalized patients (20:10) and male gender (19:11). The average age was 51years with age range of 29 – 81 years. Abdominal pain only in one of patients occurred and in 19 of patients was the excellent preparation achieved. Conclusion: Picoprep® was very good tolerated by patients with very good cleansing efficacy in bowel preparation before colonoscopy.

Keywords: colonoscopy, oral bowel preparations, sodium picosulphate, magnesium citrate