Via practica 2/2020

Tuberculosis – still a topical issue

Nowadays, when the whole world is united to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to ensure that basic health services are provided to protect the lives of people with tuberculosis and other diseases. The epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in most low incidence TB countries is characterized by a low transmission rate across the population and occasional outbreaks. Most cases of active TB are caused by the reactivation of latent tuberculosis. A high concentration of disease is recorded in certain risk groups (poor people and homeless people, migrants, prisoners, ethnic minorities, people living with HIV infection or other diseases, people with excessive alcohol use, drug addiction and other marginalized groups). Last but not least, cross-border migration is a major threat. At a time of increasing population migration, TB will not be permanently removed in any country unless it is eliminated globally.

Keywords: tuberculosis, elimination, risk groups, marginalized populations