Topické kortikosteroidy v klinickej praxi z pohľadu účinnosti a bezpečnosti // SOLEN

Via practica 1/2012

Topical corticosteroids in clinical practice in terms of efficacy and safety

Corticosteroids belong to key drugs of modern medicine since the year 1944. We use them first of all as anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous and immunosuppressive drugs. Unfortunately, the side effects related to the mechanism of their action arise too. Local – topical – administration of corticosteroids brings the benefit of lower potential of side effects and more considerable clinical effect. In this overview we describe particular forms and indications of local corticosteroids – local dermal, inhaled, nasal and ocular corticosteroids.

Keywords: corticosteroids, topical dermal corticosteroids, inhaled corticosteroids, local nasal corticosteroids, ocular corticosteroids.