Via practica 6/2014

The current possibilities of pharmacotherapy and prevention for infections of lower urinary tract

Urinary tract infections (UTI) belong to the most common human bacterial diseases and belong to the most common reasons for consultation at the pharmacy, general practitioner or specialist. Their seriousness is manifested in a relatively broad spectrum, from asymptomatic bacteriuria non-serious to life to acute pyelonephritis with sepsis. The most common UTI is cystitis. Acute cystitis can be relatively well treated by conventional antibacterial drugs during few days. Recurrent infections need except for the treatment of acute attacks, long-term adjuvant therapy to prevent recurrences. As adjuvant therapy is mainly used immunomodulatory therapy, cranberries and probiotics.

Keywords: urinary tract infection, therapy, antibiotics, immunomodulatory therapy, cranberries, probiotics.