Via practica 3/2006


From the beginning of their existence microorganisms and macroorganisms are living in equilibrium. Human beings are not an exception, with some microorganisms we live even in symbiosis. But on the other side in concrete circumstances some microorganisms may be harmful for us, extremely they can cause death. In 20th century man started to use antibiotics. After starting enthusiasm and idea that antibiotic treatment will be a solution for all infections and their complications, in last decade we realise the ambivalence of antibiotic treatment: on one side saved lives, on the other side interference with natural immunity. It is advisable that 21st century would be a century of rationalised prescription of antibiotics and the era of immunotherapy, including the bacterial products (lysates, products with ribosoms and proteoglycans, probiotics).

Keywords: microorganisms, macroorganisms, antibiotics, bacterial immunotherapy, probiotics.