Via practica 2/2005


Sjogren`s syndrom is a systemic disease of connecting tissue, treatment of which is possible to divide into treatment of the glandular and extraglandular symptoms. The most prominent of the glandular symptoms is keratoconjuntivitis sicca and xerostomia and the treatment is focused on the general procurement, substitution, local stimulators of tears and saliva, protective bicarbonate buffer solutions, supportive surgery and treatment of secondary infections. The treatment of the extraglandular symptoms depends on the non-visceral as well as visceral damage and the drugs used are mainly non-steroid antireumatics, low doses of corticoids, antimalarics and immunosuppressants.

Keywords: Sjögren`s syndrom, xerostomia, keratoconjuntivitis sicca, arthritis, vasculitis.