Via practica 7-8/2005


From psycho-physiological point of view, human sexual behavior resulted from long evolution process associated with homo sapiens origin itself – it is an old motivation structure. However, it cannot be simplified to the carnality. Nature of human sexuality is far more complicated, containing elements typical to carnal behavior while human behavior can be very imperative. Behavioral component includes entire scale of activities that have to signalize an individual’s sexual interest and are aimed to induce sexual interest in eventual objects and bring a couple together with the most perspective partner from reproductive point of view. Sexual function disorders can be divided into two major groups: functional sexual disorders and sexual deviations. The first group refers to sexual activity quantitative disorder while the latter one represents partial motivation conditions disorder. Frequency of functional sexual disorders occurrence within general population as well as at the physicians’ outpatient’s departments only represent the peak of iceberg. Therapeutic options include pharmaceutical treatment, local treatment, sexual therapy, training according to Masters and Johnson and psychotherapy.

Keywords: čiastkové motivačné stavy, funkčné sexuálne poruchy, etiológia, klasifikácia, epidemiologia, farmakoterapia.