Via practica 2/2023

Risk stratification of patients with syncope in a general practitioner’s office

In the general practitioner’s clinic for adults, the doctor meets patients with a history of short-term loss of consciousness. Is it syncope or another short-term loss of consciousness? What is the cause of syncope? What is the risk of sudden death and cardiovascular events? Cardiogenetic syncope can be one of the possible causes of a short-term loss of consciousness. If it is not properly managed, it can put the patient at risk of sudden cardiac death. The aim of this article is to bring the diagnostic procedure of a doctor dealing with a short-term loss of consciousness closer and to point out the importance of risk stratification of a patient with a history of syncope. A clear standardized procedure can contribute to a safe and proper management of a patient (decide whether the patient’s condition requires immediate hospitalization or outpatient management).

Keywords: sudden cardiac death, loss of consciousness, risk stratification, syncope, general practitioner for adults