Psychosociálne aspekty neplodnosti // SOLEN

Via practica 2/2015

Psychosocial aspects of infertility

The problem of infertility is the fact that currently affects many couples desiring to start a family. The inability to conceive a child raises participating in the amount of negative emotions, intrapersonal, and interpersonal conflicts, which in turn affect the overall mental health and social status of individuals. Many couples are faced with unpleasant reactions on the part of its surroundings, thus they deepen psychopathological symptoms in terms of depression, anxiety in affinity for isolation. The contribution gives an overview of responses, which brings with it the fact infertility. The emphasis is on psychological survival, incidence of depressive and anxiety symptoms, coping strategies, and the impact of interpersonal relationships and the importance of psychosocial interventions in dealing with infertility.

Keywords: infertility, depression, anxiety, coping strategies, psychosocial aspects.