Via practica 2/2016

Occupational rhinitis in clinical practice

Rhinitis, either of allergic or non-allergic etiology, arising from workplace conditions is named occupational rhinitis. It belongs to the traditional occupational diseases and occurs in the lists of occupational diseases in most European countries. However, the disease is underdiagnosed in the Slovak republic and worldwide. The prevalence and incidence of occupational rhinitis is not known exactly. The most frequent etiological factors are flour, textile allergens and inorganic or organic chemical substances. The complex diagnostics of occupational rhinitis consists of anamnesis and physical examination, analysis of workplace conditions, allergological examination and realization nasal provocation tests. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the elimination of the patient from workplace is essential. Early interruption of exposition could redu ce the probability of development of bronchial asthma that is frequent and significant complication of occupational rhinitis. In the whole process of diagnosis, therapy and prevention of occupational rhinitis, interdisciplinary cooperation is required. However, practical physicians play key role with the regard to the early detection of the disease.

Keywords: occupational rhinitis, occupational illness, allergens, nasal provocation test, bronchial asthma