Postavenie moderných H1-antihistaminík v klinickej praxi // SOLEN

Via practica 12/2009

Position of modern H1-antihistamines in clinical praxis

H1-antihistamines belong to the most prescribed medications. Modern molecules are highly effective and selective inverse agonists of histamine H1-receptors; beside this they are very safe drugs, as we can see from the broad age interval in which we can use them (children from 6 months to geriatric population). Primary indication of H1-antihistamines is allergic rhinitis and urticaria; some molecules can be used also in non-allergic rhinitis and as complementary drugs also in allergic asthma and atopic dermatitis. Important role have H1-antihistamines also in acute allergy including anaphylaxis.

Keywords: histamine, H1-antihistamines, allergic rhinitis and urticaria, allergic asthma, atopic dermatitis, acute allergy, anaphylaxis.