Via practica 5/2012

Promoting prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease through nutrition supplements

The article provides an overview of the mechanisms of action and benefits of supplements containing coenzyme Q10 and omega-3 fatty acids in cardiology. Author highlights Q10 and its ubiquitary presence and the role in energy production, its indication in heart failure, where Q10 levels reduced. In addition, it also has antioxidant effect and improves endothelial dysfunction, including the availability of nitrogen oxide, which can be used in the adjunctive treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis. From a clinical point of view perhaps the most interesting is the fact that statins not only reduce LDL cholesterol as well as coenzyme Q10. With this may be related relatively frequent subjective symptoms of myopathy in patients receiving statins. Q10 supplementation helps to reduce these symptoms and patients may thus stay longer on the active statin therapy. Omega-3 fatty acids are incorporated into cell membranes and thus affect the cellular electrical stability. They reduce the risk of certain heart rhythm disorders, and particularly the risk of sudden death. They act preventively against the formation of blood clots and slightly reduce blood pressure. Higher dosages of omega-3 acids may significantly reduce the elevated triglycerides and this procedure is also included in the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology for 2012 as a practice proven by evidence-based medicine.

Keywords: coenzyme Q10, omega-3 fatty acids, cardiovascular prevention, nutritional supplements.