Via practica 2/2012

Pathology of folic acid nad pregnancy

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin and a member of the vitamin B group. The biological effects are associated with its metabolites, particularly 5-methyl-THF (metafolin). The demand for folic acid increases two- to three-fold during pregnancy. An inadequate intake of folic acid is either absolute, i. e. a reduced intake in food, or relative, i. e. disorders of its metabolism. MTHFR mutations are among the most significant metabolic disorders. A relative or absolute deficiency of folic acid may be linked with various gestational pathologies. No exact associations have been known so far; however, recent information has shown that metafolin is a key NO synthase regulator. In the case of its deficiency, impaired vascular perfusion at the level of microcirculation can be theoretically assumed.

Keywords: folic acid, metafolin, MTHFR mutations, NO synthase, intrauterine growth restriction, intrauterine fetal death, premature delivery.