Via practica 11/2008


Annual influenza epidemics with severe influenza-related complications and considerable number of influenza-related deaths provides a reason for repetitive emphasize of prevention possibilities. Vaccination as the principal measure for preventing influenza, despite that currently it must be indicated annually, is largely safe and effective measure in preventing influenza. Vaccination of healthy and young persons can reduce economic losses caused by their labour absence and for elderly persons vaccination can reduce complications resulting from underlying health conditions and influenza-related deaths. Predominant arguments for influenza vaccination are mainly high influenza-related morbidity and influenza-related mortality, but also influenza-related complications, genetic changes of influenza viruses, developing influenza viruses resistance to antiviral drugs, seasonal epidemics and economic losses. If there are no contraindications, vaccination can be generally recommended to anybody, including elderly persons and persons of any age who are considered t “high risk” for influenzarelated complications. European Union Member States committed to reach the goal of 30% vaccination coverage of the general population. According WHO recommendation, it is necessary to increase vaccination coverage of people at high risk to at least 75%.

Keywords: influenza, vaccination, recommendations, vaccination coverage