Ochrana zdravia pri práci – úlohy všeobecného lekára pre dospelých // SOLEN

Via practica 6/2020

Health protection at work-the role of a general practitioner for adults

Health is the greatest value of life. It is a fundamental human right, which deserves our utmost attention and care. Safety and health protection at work are guaranteed by the Slovak constitution in Art. 36. In order to protect this value, it is important to communicate with the workers themselves, as well as the institutes responsible for health protection in the living and working environments. Risk factors which cause health issues or environmental degradation may be physical, chemical or biological. They can be of natural or anthropological origin. All elements of the work process, such as working conditions, working procedures, work organization, but also appropriate interhuman relationships in the workplace, should be performed safely with minimal negative impact on employee’s health. The general practitioner for adults (GP) plays a crucial role in the process of occupational health.

Keywords: labor factors, work environment factors legislation, health protection at work, general practitioner for adults