Via practica 6/2023

Obesity from social security point of view

Obesity is a complex multifactorial chronic preventable metabolic disease. In Slovakia, up to 1/3 of the population suffers from obesity, which correlates with the 30% prevalence of the global population. The complications of obesity significantly contribute to temporary work incapacity and are also the cause of long-term adverse health conditions with limited ability to work. In addition to health consequences, it also leads to social, family and social disadvantages, which can be compensated on the basis of citizens’ social security. The forms of social security in the Slovak Republic (SR) are social insurance, social support and social assistance. Social security for preventing, mitigating or eliminating the consequences of social events for citizens is guaranteed in the SR by the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, which in Article 39 guarantees its citizens adequate material security in old age and incapacity for work, as well as in the event of loss of a breadwinner. At the same time, the legal regulations of the European Union (EU) coordinate national systems with the aim of ensuring social security for persons migrating within the EU member countries so that they do not lose their social security entitlements. In general, the laws of the country where the person actually works and benefits are paid in that country apply. The goal of social security is to ensure the satisfaction of the citizen’s basic life needs, but mainly to provide assistance that would lead to reintegration into work and social activities as well as to the fulfillment of the quality of life.

Keywords: obesity, complications of obesity, compensation, activity reports, medical report