Via practica 5/2022

News in pharmacological treatment of obesity/diabesity

Obesity/diabesity is considered worldwide as a global epidemic/pandemic with extensive health and socio-economic consequences, therefore it requires a comprehensive preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and especially long-term controlled procedure focused on a specific individual, but also requires a societal preventive approach. A very small percentage of patients with obesity/diabesity receive real assistance in the management of obesity and even more important in the management of already reduced weight (dietary and regimen measures, cognitive behavioural therapy, pharmacotherapy with anti-obesity drugs, bariatric-metabolic surgery). Pharmacotherapy with anti-obesity drugs is an important part of the comprehensive management of an obese individual. The ideal anti-obesity drug is one that effectively achieves weight reduction, maintains reduced weight, provides long-term safety and reduces chronic obesity-related diseases. In addition to currently available antiobesity drugs (orlistat, naltrexone SR / bupropion SR), GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor agonists - currently liraglutide, 3.0 mg – are becoming an important part of the management of individuals living with obesity. Treatment must be timely, vigorous and longterm. New hope for even better management of obesity shines with the arrival of other new molecules in clinical practice (semaglutide, oral semaglutide, but also a combination of GLP-1 receptor agonists with amylin, or a combination of two incretins – twincretins).

Keywords: pharmacotherapy of obesity/diabesity, orlistat, naltrexon SR/bupropion SR, GLP-1 receptor agonists, liraglutide 3.0 mg, semaglutide, amylin, twincretins, tirzepatide