Neuroendokrinné nádory v ambulancii praktického lekára // SOLEN

Via practica 3-4/2014

Neuroendocrine neoplasia in outpatient clinic of general practitioner

Neuroendocrine neoplasias of gastrointestinal tract belongs to rare tumors, despite is very important thinking about them in outpatient clinical practise. Their incidence and prevalence in last decades rised significantly. In clinical picture could be carcinoid syndrome, resistent peptic gastric ulcers or hypoglycemia. In functional tumors estimation of hormonal production is helpful in correct assessment of diagnosis. Localisation of the primary tumor is often difficult. Treatment depends in type of tumor and staging of disease. Surgical resection and debulking therapy is indicated. Medicament treatment includes somatostatin analogues, everolimus, in high grade tumors chemotherapy. In some cases radionuclide treatment may be indicated.

Keywords: neuroendocrine neoplasia, carcinoid, flush, 5-HIAA, somatostatin, everolimus.