Via practica 6/2017

NSAIDs in the acute pain treatment from the viewpoint of a neurologist

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have a common analgesic, antipyretic and at higher doses in particular antiphlogistic effect that differs this pharmacological group from other non-opioid analgesics. The term non-steroidal define these substances in 1960 against the steroids administred in rheumatology. These are some of the most commonly used drugs. Neurologist's view on the NSAIDs is not too revealing, but spectrum of NSAIDs in neurology is wide, with acute and chronic pain conditions, from vertebral and radicular syndromes to migraines and a large group of other headaches.This insight tries to chart the position of NSAIDs among other analgesics, their possible side effects and common neurological indications.

Keywords: NSAIDs, side effects, vertebral syndrome, headaches