Najvýznamnejšie novinky roku 2023 vo farmakologickom manažmente obezity // SOLEN

Via practica 2/2024

The most significant news of the year 2023 in the pharmacology management of obesity

Worldwide, obesity is considered a global epidemic/pandemic, in all age categories, with extensive health and socioeconomic consequences. Successful management of obesity often requires the addition of an effective pharmacological intervention to maintain negative energy balance and maintain already reduced weight. The past year has brought us a lot of news and also a lot of hope, especially in the pharmacotherapy of obesity, the effectiveness of which is beginning to approach the results of bariatric/metabolic surgery.

Keywords: obesity pharmacotherapy, semaglutide, tirzepatide, oral semaglutide, orforglipron, survodutide, retatrutide, GLP-1 RA safety