Manažment liečby pacienta so schizofréniou // SOLEN

Via practica 4/2010

Management and treatment of patient with schizophrenia

as well. There is a higher incidence of comorbidity of other physical diseases compared with normal population. Moreover, antipsychotic medicaments bring some side-effects, that have to be prevented and corrected interdisciplinary. This issue offers a brief overview of oportunities of psychofarmacological treatment and its side-effects. At once, it suggests inevitability of psychoeducation, psychoterapy and monitoring of early realpse symptoms, where general practicioners and other physicians (non- psychiatrists) could play an important role in care of people with schizophrenia.

Keywords: schizophrenia, atypical antipsychotics, hyperprolactinemia, antipsychotics-induced extrapyramidal disorders, metabolic syndrome