Lingua plicata // SOLEN

Via practica 1/2017

Lingua plicata

This work considerate fissured tongue as a developmental defect. It is part of oral health evaluation and also an evaluation of a pathological state on a tongue surface. Authors recommend including a procedure by Noeul and evaluation of fissures by Ramachandran Sudarshana and co-workers to the usual oral examination. Furthermore, they recommend the use of tongue surface scheme by Balogh and Lelkes. Work contains description of symptoms and clinical forms of fissured tongue and also includes colour photography documentation. Authors listing up fissured tongue as an eventual part of orofacial granulomatosis, Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome, Down syndrome, lingua geographica, psoriasis or other systemic diseases.

Keywords: surface of the tongue, fissured tongue, lingua geographica, syndrome