Via practica 2/2017

Linqua geographica (geographical tongue)

Authors in this work delineate the problematic of lingua geographica (GT), which occurs in children, young adults, during adulthood and also at older age. They describe clinical picture of lesions, occurrence, an overview of the presumed cause and differential diagnosis compared to glossitis atrophica. Authors also indicate, besides generally known facts, that glossitis areata migrans is one of the GT types very often found in connection with Helicobacter pylori infection or psoriasis. They note that lesions may exacerbate by psychical changes or during menstruation cycle. Another part of work mentions the discussions held in this field around possibility of GT being a mucosal manifestation of erythema migrans at Lyme disease.

Keywords: lingua geographica (GT), geographic tongue, glositis areata migrans